Festival of Quilts 2024

The Festival of Quilts was held in Birmingham at the beginning of August and it was a real feast for the soul. So many beautiful quilts to enjoy. I spent three days there and even then did not see everything. Quilts represented so many different categories including modern, traditional, sustainable, pictorial, contemporary and art as well as many others.

I taught nine workshops and went to a lecture and two workshops myself so all in all it was a busy time.

Isn’t this quilt stunning? It was the winner in the Excellence in Machine Quilting Category. (Maker listed on wall next to the quilt) It was so good to see it close up as the detail was incredible. There were so many people looking at this quilt that I was unable to take a photo without someone in it!

This was such a beautiful traditional quilt and won the award for hand quilting.

I just loved this sign post. How true are the sentiments expressed? The other small photos are quilts that I enjoyed looking at. The house quilt is a group quilt by Ash Valley Quilters, the quilt of Queen Elizabeth is stitched by Dee Buchard, the orange and blue quilt is a two person quilt by Helen Howes and Aitchbee and the little hexagons are some work in progress on one of my workshops Bee-utiful Brooches.

Finally Sarah Ashford organised a fabric stamp swop. Anyone who wanted to join in could make fabric stamps to swop. Here are the ones that I made. I had great fun trawling through my fabrics looking for cute fabric images to make into stamps.

I am looking forward to Festival of Quilts 2025 already!

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